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    Advanced Tutorial: Wind Analysis Simulation using the LBM (Lattice Boltzmann Method) Solver

    This article provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to configure a wind analysis simulation with SimScale by using the LBM solver.

    visualization of velocity with the lbm solver pacefish simscale
    Figure 1: Visualization of velocity over the CAD model of the city


    This tutorial uses the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM), provided by Numeric Systems GmbH (Pacefish®)\(^1\), to solve the simulation. Since this solver is only accessible through professional licenses, this tutorial cannot be performed using a community license – Learn more.

    If you want to perform external aerodynamics with a community license, please check out the external aerodynamics section of the main tutorial page.


    This tutorial will teach you how to:

    • Configure and run a simulation using the LBM solver.
    • Create relevant geometry primitives in SimScale.
    • Assign boundary conditions, material, and other relevant properties for the simulation.
    • Mesh with the automatic mesher.
    • Use the post-processor and obtain results of interest.

    We are following the typical SimScale workflow:

    1. Prepare the CAD model for the simulation.
    2. Set up the simulation.
    3. Set up the mesh.
    4. Run the simulation and analyze the results.

    1. CAD Preparation and Analysis Type Selection

    First of all, click the button below. It will copy the tutorial project containing the geometry into your Workbench.

    The tutorial project contains a CAD model from the Gangnam District, in Seoul. Here is a view of the Workbench after importing the project:

    gangnam district geometry import
    Figure 2: Gangnam District view in the Workbench

    Importing new geometries to SimScale is just as easy. You can upload the geometry from your local machine or import it from Onshape® directly. Please visit the CAD preparation & upload page for further details.

    To create a simulation, click on the ‘+’ button next to Simulations and select ‘Incompressible LBM’ from the list. By clicking on ‘Create Simulation’, a new simulation tree appears in the left-hand side panel.

    creating a new simulation incompressible lbm
    Figure 3: Analysis type widget in SimScale, containing CFD, FEA, and thermal options

    Did you know?

    The LBM solver can deal with many CAD types and is more robust than many solvers in meshing the geometry. Open geometry with poor and small faces does not affect the meshing operation. However, if you do encounter issues or errors, an STL can normally be uploaded which may mitigate any issues that you experience.

    2. Simulation Setup

    Users can set up their simulations in SimScale directly in the simulation tree. In the following sections, we will go through the necessary steps.

    simulation tree in an incompressible lbm simulation
    Figure 4: The simulation tree allows the user to set up the physics of their simulation

    2.1. External Flow Domain

    The first setting to address is the External Flow Domain dimensions. The external flow domain represents the computational domain, where the LBM solver calculates the solution. For this reason, it’s important to adequately size the flow domain, allowing a more accurate solution. This documentation page is a good reference for the flow domain size.

    flow domain dimensions city lbm incompressible
    Figure 5: The cartesian box in the viewer represents the external flow domain.

    Did you know?

    Evaluating flow from different directions is very easy in SimScale. It is possible to rotate the flow domain by using the rotation angles option. Please note that the right-hand rule applies -see the orientation cube in the bottom-right of the viewer for reference.

    rotating a flow domain in a lbm simulation
    Figure 6: Rotating the domain by 45 degrees about the z-direction using Rotation angles

    In this tutorial, we will maintain a rotation of zero degrees.

    2.2 Material

    Since this is a wind analysis simulation, the platform automatically assigns air to the domain. This tutorial uses the default air settings, however, it is possible to adjust the properties of air, such as density. To do so, simply select the field and edit the respective values:

    air default settings lbm
    Figure 7: Default settings for air in an Incompressible LBM simulation.

    2.3 Boundary Conditions

    To run a simulation, it’s necessary to define the fluid conditions at the boundaries of the flow domain. Intending to streamline the simulation setup, the platform automatically assigns a default set of boundary conditions when you create a new simulation tree. The assumptions are:

    • The sky is in the positive z-direction
    • For an unrotated flow domain, the air flows from the negative to the positive x-direction

    Using a CAD model with the orientations explained above will allow you to use the default boundary conditions with minimal adjustments. The image below shows an overview of the boundary conditions for this tutorial.

    boundary conditions overview city incompressible lbm
    Figure 8: Overview of the boundary conditions for this tutorial. A letter on each face of the flow domain identifies the boundary name.

    In this tutorial, we will only adjust the velocity inlet boundary condition.

    For the velocity inlet configuration, please adjust the (U) Velocity to ’15’ \(m/s\):

    boundary conditions in simscale for lbm simulation for wind analysis simulation with lbm solver
    Figure 9: Velocity inlet setup.

    To allow the definition of Atmospheric Boundary Layers (ABL), the velocity inlet boundary condition accepts table inputs (via .csv files) for the following parameters:

    • Velocity as a function of height
    • Turbulent Kinetic Energy or Intensity as a function of height

    For interested readers, the following article discusses the ABL definition in greater detail:


    When defining an ABL profile via a .csv file, make sure that 0 meters represent the ground height.

  • If the CAD model does not contain a terrain, the algorithm considers the minimum wind tunnel floor as ground zero.
  • If the terrain is modeled, then the top surface of the terrain model is ground zero.

  • the picture shows how an atmospheric boundary layer would be defined in a city model with and without terrain
    Figure 10: Velocity profile at the inlet of a model with and without terrain

    2.4 Simulation Control

    In the Simulation control settings, the user defines two parameters:

    • End time: This parameter represents how many seconds of fluid flow the simulation will calculate
    • Maximum runtime: This is the maximum simulation runtime in real-time. For example, if you set this value to 3600 seconds, the simulation will automatically stop after 1 hour of real-time has passed.

    For this reason, it’s a good practice to set a large enough Maximum runtime to prevent the simulation from canceling. As for the End time, the recommendation is to allow at the very minimum 2 fluid passes (and optimally at least 3) through the domain. The figure below shows how you can calculate the End time of your simulation:

    flow domain size end time transient simulation
    Figure 11: When a particle travels from the inlet to the outlet, we have a full fluid pass.

    The formula to calculate the amount of time necessary for two fluid passes is simple:

    $$End\ time = 2\ \frac{Domain\ size\ in\ flow\ direction}{Velocity} = 266.67\ seconds \tag{1}$$

    2.5 Result Control

    The Result control definition is critical for an Incompressible LBM simulation. Here, the user specifies what kind of information they want to receive in the results. For a complete description of all result control settings, please visit the following page.

    In this tutorial, we will monitor forces and moments on faces of interest, and will also define a number of probe points that read the velocities at the pedestrian level.


    To monitor forces and moments about faces of interest, you can create a new Forces and moments result control. We will track the forces applied to two faces of the tallest building in the domain:

    forces and moments result control incompressible lbm
    Figure 12: Assigning a Forces and moments result control to two faces of the tallest building that face the incoming wind
    1. Under Result control, click on the ‘+’ button next to Forces and moments
    2. Adjust the Center of rotation coordinates to the base of the building
    3. Lastly, select the faces of interest by clicking on them


    Probe points are also very useful for wind-related studies. With them, you can conveniently track the results at points of interest within the domain. In this tutorial, we will track the 10 points defined in the .csv file linked below:

    Note that the .csv file consists of 4 columns, the first one containing the probe point name, and the remaining columns being the x, y, and z-coordinates of the point. After downloading the file, please follow the steps below:

    probe point settings in simscale for wind analysis simulaton with LBM solver
    Figure 13: After uploading the point coordinates, the Workbench highlights the points’ location
    1. Click on the ‘+’ button next to Probe points
    2. Drop the .csv file in the box


    Under Transient output, you can define:

    • The information to export (Surface fields and/or Flow-domain fields)
    • Which regions will have their results exported
    • Frequency of the data export

    First, we will define the region to export. Therefore, click on the ‘+’ button next to Geometry primitives and choose a ‘Local cartesian box’ from the list:

    local cartesian box result control lbm
    Figure 14: Besides a small Local cartesian box, another option that works great for transient output is a Local slice.

    Now, you can define the coordinates of interest for the box. Defining a large box can cause problems with memory since transient simulations generate a lot of data. For this reason, we will focus on the pedestrian level:

    pedestrian slice configuration for wind analysis simulation with lbm solver in simscale
    Figure 15: Box coordinates, capturing the pedestrian level.

    After saving the settings, make sure to assign the local cartesian box to the transient output:

    transient output settings for wind analysis simulation with lbm Solver in simscale
    Figure 16: Final Transient output settings

    With these settings, the solver will export every 4th timestep result (Moderate resolution), during the final 20% of the simulation (Fraction from end).


    With Statistical averaging, the solver obtains mean values for all fields. To do that, it averages out the transient results from the final Fraction from end. Furthermore, the Sampling interval controls the frequency of the sampling.

    Additionally, you can choose to export the results on the flow domain and/or on the surfaces. Following the steps from Figure 14, create another ‘Local cartesian box’, this time with the coordinates shown below:

    local cartesian box statistical averaging
    Figure 17: The statistical averaging results are available within the cartesian box

    After saving the geometry primitive, make sure to assign it to Statistical averaging:

    statistical averaging settings in simscale for wind analysis simulation with lbm solver
    Figure 18: Final statistical averaging settings

    e. Snapshot

    Snapshots take the last timestep of the simulation and export the instantaneous result fields for the fluid volume and/or surface data. Please assign the previous local cartesian box to it.

    snapshot settings in simscale for wind analysis simulation with lbm solver
    Figure 19: Final snapshot settings

    3. Meshing

    The meshing tool for LBM simulation is powerful and easy to set up. In this tutorial, we will use the Automatic settings. In this setup method, the user defines the global level of Fineness and the Region of interest. It’s also possible to set additional refinements if required.

    The Region of interest in this tutorial is the tallest building located in the center of the domain. To simplify the setup, this demonstration project contains a Saved Selections set with the faces of interest. Therefore, please expand the Saved Selections tab on the right-hand side panel, and assign the ‘Region of interest’ set:

    mesh settings in simscale for wind analysis simulation with lbm solver
    Figure 20: The meshing algorithm automatically refines the mesh cells around the region of interest

    Furthermore, the pedestrian level is also of interest. To ensure a finer mesh, let’s create a region refinement as in the image below:

    creating a new manual region mesh refinement incompressible lbm
    Figure 21: In this tutorial, the Local cartesian box 2 represents the pedestrian level.

    By defining a manual Target resolution, you ensure that the edge length of the cells within the cartesian box is not larger than ‘1’ meter. Now, create a second region refinement with a manual target resolution of ‘8’ meters, assigning it to Local cartesian box 3.

    mesh settings in simscale for wind analysis simulation with lbm solver
    Figure 22: Region refinement around the city block

    Region refinement settings for an LBM simulation are described more in detail on this page: Region Refinement Settings.

    4. Simulation and Results

    4.1 Run the Simulation

    After finalizing the simulation setup, you can start a simulation run by pressing the ‘+’ button next to Simulation Runs.

    starting a new simulation run in simscale
    Figure 23: New simulation run dialog box

    4.2 Post-Processing

    After the simulation finishes running, please expand the simulation run tab -you can access all the post-processing results from the simulation tree:

    accessing the post-processor incompressible lbm
    Figure 24: To access the simulation results, simply click on the entry of interest

    As a reminder, the results available to you depend on the Result control settings.


    You will have the full capability of SimScale’s Post-Processor to analyze your simulation results, however, we will focus on the transient solution in this tutorial.

    With the transient results, you can get time-dependent information and create animations. This allows you to visualize how the flow behaves within the regions of interest. As soon as the transient results load, you will see the following default configuration:

    default post-processor view transient results
    Figure 25: Default settings for the transient results, showing the velocities on the pedestrian level. It is possible to show other parameters by changing the Coloring definition.

    By default, the transient solution shows the results for a given time step. You can use the right-hand side TIME STEPS tab to navigate through the data sets. Another option is to create an ‘Animation’ filter to generate a smooth animation with the time-dependent solution:

    creating a new filter post-processor
    Figure 26: Firstly, use the top ribbon to create a new Animation filter. To generate the animation, click on the ‘Play’ button.

    Find below a video showing the animation results:

    Animation 1: Velocity contours, showing how the flow evolves from 212.9 to 266.7 seconds of simulation.

    With the animation results, you can spot regions with high velocities, which can cause discomfort to pedestrians.


    The results are visualized in a temporal plot and a statistical summary. Additionally, you can also download the probe point data by clicking on the top-right icon from the image below:

    probe point results incompressible lbm
    Figure 27: Accessing the probe point data. On the bottom, you can click on the probe point name to hide/show it in the plot.

    The results that are available for the defined probe points are:

    • Pressure (p)
    • The magnitude of Velocity (UMag)
    • Velocity in x, y, and z-directions (Ux, Uy, and Uz respectively)
    • Turbulent kinetic energy (k)
    • Statistical data


    Similar to the result of your probe points, the result of the forces and moments are also displayed in a temporal plot and a statistical summary. The forces and moments are calculated individually in the x-, y- and z-direction.

    forces and moments plot of a wind analysis simulation with lbm solver done with simscale
    Figure 28: Forces and moments results. The top-right icon allows you to download the raw data.

    This tutorial shows how effectively the Incompressible LBM analysis type performs for external aerodynamics around a large city block. In conjunction with the Pedestrian Wind Comfort analysis type, you can propose better designs and ensure the safety of pedestrians.

    Congratulations! You finished the wind analysis tutorial!


    If you have questions or suggestions, please reach out either via the forum or contact us directly.

    Last updated: September 25th, 2023
