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    How to Run Parametric Studies in SimScale?

    In the design phase of equipment, oftentimes the user wants to understand how their system behaves under different conditions. Using SimScale’s capabilities for parametric studies, you can automatically run multiple simulations for various conditions and efficiently optimize your designs.

    Overview of Parametric Studies

    In the design process, the user may be interested in how their system performs under different conditions. With parametric studies, the user can quickly set up, run, and compare results for several configurations in parallel saving heavily on computational time.

    When parametric capabilities are available, the following icon is visible in the setup window:

    Parametric BC
    Figure 1: The blue square highlights the parametric study icon.

    In the example above, the user wants to define several mass flow rates of interest for one of their inlets. A table appears after clicking the parametric icon, where the user defines the flow rates to analyze in the simulation phase:

    parametric study in simscale table definition
    Figure 2: The various inputs of interest are defined in a table. Use Browse files for uploading .csv files.

    With the configuration above, when the user starts a simulation, SimScale sweeps through the table definition and launches an Experiment containing one simulation run for each configuration of interest.


    Currently, the platform supports a single parametric definition for a given simulation setup. For example, it is not possible to have parametric definitions for both velocity inlet and pressure outlet at the same time.

    multiple parametric configurations warning
    Figure 3: A single parametric condition can be active for a given simulation run

    Currently Supported Parameters

    Parametrization is available for the following settings:

    1. Velocity inlet: volumetric or mass flow rate
    2. Velocity inlet: fixed value for velocity
    3. Rotating zones: rotational velocity
    4. Inlet conditions (velocity, pressure, etc.): fixed temperature value
    5. Natural convection inlet-outlet: ambient temperature
    6. Velocity outlet: volumetric or mass flow rate
    7. Velocity outlet: fixed value for velocity
    8. Pressure inlet: fixed or total pressure
    9. Pressure outlet: gauge or mean pressure
    10. Power source: absolute or specific power source value
    11. Momentum sources: average velocity
    12. Centrifugal force: rotational velocity


    A cold plate is often used in electronics cooling applications, aiming to transfer heat from the sources to a cooling liquid. In this example, a cold plate design undergoes a test for different mass flow rates.

    The objective is to see how the temperature of the transistors changes and decide on the most cost-efficient configuration. In the setup, the cooling fluid is defined with 5 flow rates of interest, ranging from 0.2 to 2 \(kg/s\):

    cold plate parametrization mass flow rate inlet
    Figure 4: There is no limit to the number of values to explore in the parametric experiment.

    Once the parametric Experiment starts, one simulation for each flow rate of interest will launch in parallel. The results from each simulation are available by expanding the Experiment tab:

    experiment parametric studies results simulation tree
    Figure 5: All simulations from a parametric study are grouped within an Experiment

    If any result control has been defined, the results from all simulation runs will be compiled in a single plot. For example, we can check how the temperature of the transistor changes based on the water mass flow rate:

    compilation of results experiment result control
    Figure 6: This result control shows the temperature of the transistor for the last iteration in each of the 5 simulation runs from the experiment.

    In the image above, we can easily see how much the temperature of the transistor changes with an increased water flow rate, allowing the user to choose the most efficient configuration.

    With an improved simulation setup and result comparison, SimScale’s parametric experiments are a powerful tool in the design process of many equipments.

    Last updated: September 19th, 2023
