I am running an aerodynamic compressible flow simulation on a model rocket for my university team in order to find the total drag force on the rocket with our airbraking system extended at 45 degrees, moving at 539 ft/s or Mach 0.48. This is modeled as a stationary rocket within a rectangular flow volume with the fluid flow moving at 539 ft/s in the negative z direction.
The simulation in question is titled “Rocket 45deg Compressible)”, in Run 3. The previous two runs failed within the first 10 iterations due to a “maximum number of iterations exceeded when calculating temperature from a thermodynamic potential” error, after which I initialized the velocity field and set up a table to increase inlet velocity from 10 ft/s to 539 ft/s over the first 550 iterations. Run 3 completed successfully, but the force graph shows nonphysical values and the residuals plot indicates that the simulation does not converge.
I’m not sure exactly how to set up a compressible simulation so there could be an error in the way I set this up. Any help would be very much appreciated, thank you!